
Sunday, August 26, 2012


Had one of those crazy stay-at-home mom breakdowns yesterday.  You know where you feel like you aren't doing enough of the following:

exercising (self and dog)
paying enough attention to husband

I was in full on ugly cry mode.  It was awesome.  I know I do pull my weight around here and when you actually figure up the numbers (I've seen those websites) stay at home moms should be paid a small fortune...much like teachers! The numbers really are crazy when you figure it up.  However, if I give myself a little time off then things get out of whack quickly!  Like, I'll pick up that mess tomorrow, do that load of laundry in the morning, or vacuum the whole house at one time.

That never happens, am I right or am I right?

Anyway, Scott came home and talked me through it.  It's crazy how I can just lose track of reality and get overwhelmed sometimes.  We took the weekend and got the house back in order.  Scott did so much to help me get things done and I had to take Kai outside to swing so he could vacuum.  Kai gets scared of the vacuum sounds and starts screaming crying.  Poor big baby. 

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