
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

30 Before 30

Today is my 29th birthday. This means that I will follow the trend out there and create my own 30 before 30 list.  Keep in mind, I'm a stay at home mom right now, so this won't be terribly thrilling for some people.  These are just small fun ideas that I have wanted to do for a long time.
Many that I can do at home!
  1. Go into my 31st year with no back pain. Done!
  2. Go through at least one devotional book on my own.  Started one, Max Lucado's "Romans" I'm also in a Bible/book study going through Soul Revolution with my church.
  3. Go to 5 concerts/live performances. Rock of Ages, Aerosmith, Mumford and Sons, 
  4. Interview my grandmother
  5. Learn 3 songs on my guitar to play for Kai
  6. Read 2 classic novels. Finished Pride and Prejudice! 
  7. Read 5 education related books. Love and Logic. On Common Ground (PLC's), How to Assess Higher Order Thinking, Reading: The Daily Five
  8. Book or actually take trip to London and Scotland. Not happening...
  9. Vegas trip. planned!
  10. Curtains on the bottom floor of our house. 
  11. Go to Sea World with the Frittses
  12. Do dancer's pose in yoga with both hands holding my foot (Back I'm replacing this with, learn all 196 countries of the world on a map! Okay, both of those were insane... Mow the yard for the first time, EVER.  Done!
  13. Host a large group of people for a meal once a month. This is not going great, but we have definitely had families and friends over at least once a month since this started, so they aren't large groups, but it's something!
  14. Quit nursing. Done!
  15. Give up fried food for a month
  16. Go stand up paddle boarding
  17. Volunteer at our church food pantry
  18. Wear clothes that I own but don't wear very often...This is not very measureable, but I've worn a couple of outfits that have been sitting for a while! 
  19. Figure out a schedule for dying my hair (grey's people!) My sweet friend, Megan, dyed my hair, and now I'm just watching for those grey's to pop out so I can see when I would need to do it again.
  20. Make a pie, with Mutti's crust!
  21. Decide on the (ONE) tattoo I want to get, but wait a year after I have decided, just to make sure! Scott and I are talking about getting the same one, a little homage to Kai-dude.
  22. Learn how to take good clear pictures with my camera (inside and in full sun)
  23. Complete four sewing projects. I'm thinking stockings?!?!
  24. Tour Austin like a tourist (segway tour or pedibike tour, ACLive, capitol etc.)
  25. Finish out our FULL emergency fund. Done. I'm not going to detail that...personal financial details.  BUT we do follow Dave Ramsey's plan, so if you are curious, check him out!
  26. Learn enough on Photoshop to design Kai's birthday invites and our Christmas Card/email. I need to send the birthday invites out tomorrow, they may look a little special, but they are done!
  27. Get a gig teaching for fall 2013
  28. Pay for another person's Starbucks/drive thru meal behind me
  29. Teach a kid's dance class (I think I would be really good at this, but I'm beyond nervous to try!) OR take voice lessons.  I honestly couldn't decide between these two.
  30. Go to a parenting conference with the mister

1 comment:

  1. LI've it!!! I'll help you accomplish as many as I can! I mean you can make me a pie next time we come!
