Many that I can do at home!
- Go into my 31st year with no back pain. Done!
- Go through at least one devotional book on my own. Started one, Max Lucado's "Romans" I'm also in a Bible/book study going through Soul Revolution with my church.
- Go to 5 concerts/live performances. Rock of Ages, Aerosmith, Mumford and Sons,
- Interview my grandmother
- Learn 3 songs on my guitar to play for Kai
- Read 2 classic novels. Finished Pride and Prejudice!
- Read 5 education related books. Love and Logic. On Common Ground (PLC's), How to Assess Higher Order Thinking, Reading: The Daily Five
- Book or actually take trip to London and Scotland. Not happening...
- Vegas trip. planned!
- Curtains on the bottom floor of our house.
- Go to Sea World with the Frittses
Do dancer's pose in yoga with both hands holding my foot(Back I'm replacing this with, learn all 196 countries of the world on a map!Okay, both of those were insane... Mow the yard for the first time, EVER. Done!- Host a large group of people for a meal once a month. This is not going great, but we have definitely had families and friends over at least once a month since this started, so they aren't large groups, but it's something!
- Quit nursing. Done!
- Give up fried food for a month
- Go stand up paddle boarding
- Volunteer at our church food pantry
- Wear clothes that I own but don't wear very often...This is not very measureable, but I've worn a couple of outfits that have been sitting for a while!
- Figure out a schedule for dying my hair (grey's people!) My sweet friend, Megan, dyed my hair, and now I'm just watching for those grey's to pop out so I can see when I would need to do it again.
- Make a pie, with Mutti's crust!
- Decide on the (ONE) tattoo I want to get, but wait a year after I have decided, just to make sure! Scott and I are talking about getting the same one, a little homage to Kai-dude.
- Learn how to take good clear pictures with my camera (inside and in full sun)
- Complete four sewing projects. I'm thinking stockings?!?!
- Tour Austin like a tourist (segway tour or pedibike tour, ACLive, capitol etc.)
- Finish out our FULL emergency fund. Done. I'm not going to detail that...personal financial details. BUT we do follow Dave Ramsey's plan, so if you are curious, check him out!
- Learn enough on Photoshop to design Kai's birthday invites and our Christmas Card/email. I need to send the birthday invites out tomorrow, they may look a little special, but they are done!
- Get a gig teaching for fall 2013
- Pay for another person's Starbucks/drive thru meal behind me
- Teach a kid's dance class (I think I would be really good at this, but I'm beyond nervous to try!) OR take voice lessons. I honestly couldn't decide between these two.
- Go to a parenting conference with the mister
LI've it!!! I'll help you accomplish as many as I can! I mean you can make me a pie next time we come!