I had a conversation with a friend today about her two little girls. We were talking about how fun it is to watch a child's attitude, personality, and actions develop as the grow. She asked me a little about your personality and then told me how fun it would be to watch the little things you do now and compare them to when you grow up to see how you are communicating with the world now and we don't even know.
I decided I wanted to record that for you as best I can, but in a simple way. So here is my first description of you that I hope to refer back to as you grow up.
Dear Kai, (at 9 months and 3 weeks)
You are, at first meeting, a serious little dude. The majority of times you meet a new person you stare and stare and stare at them. Your little tongue hangs out of your mouth and your little brow is furrowed. Usually, you give a hint of a smile that then lets us know you are okay with the new person. Some days you are just so silly and happy that a smile and a giggle comes quickly when you meet someone new. There's the occasional day where when I even hand you to someone you know, you stick out your big bottom lip and start to cry like a big fat cry baby! I always laugh, but it breaks my heart just a little...for you and for the person holding you. (ie: Grams, Mutti, Nana etc.) As you grow, I think this will just show a discerning tendency. I think you will take a moment to gauge your surroundings/people that is good. It can show maturity that you don't just dive right in and start spouting your opinions. (We'll see on this!)
You love to attack food with a wild abandon. This is mostly relegated to cheerios (we call them cheer-me-o's) or banana pieces etc. I can't just pour anything on your tray or else you will pile it ALL in your mouth. You did this once last month at Rudy's. I gave you a bunch of cheer-me-o's and you stuffed them all in your mouth and then yakked all over yourself and me. Awesome. On the other hand, when you dislike a food you just spit it right back at me. That is mostly vegetables and those nasty pureed meats (so I don't blame you). My friend and I discussed that this tendency to dive into your food could spill over to life in general. I'm wondering if you will end up being a vivacious child that is hungry for more to do, more life.
When you wake up in the morning, usually we get to hear you talk and babble until one of us wakes up enough to go grab you out of your crib. You will occasionally give a scream, but once we get you up it's all smiles and sweetness. Hopefully, this means you will be a morning person...You can help out your mommy and daddy. Neither of us were blessed with that gene. I also think this just shows your graciousness. You have faith that we will come get you, and when we finally do stumble into your room, there is nothing but happiness and thankfulness that we are there to be with you. You kick your legs so hard, you just want to grab our noses, roll around on our big bed, and make cute grunting noises. I love it.
That's all this time around, I'll check in a few months from now!
Your momma