I love KGSR.
They play great music and it's a radio station! Back in DFW we had NOTHING like this. I listened to entirely too much pop music that was just fed to me through the crappy radio stations that exist there. Now, mind you, I'm not going to fault anyone for a good guilty pleasure moment with Kesha, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, maybe even a rousing rendition of Pitbull. But c'mon people! This is the first and only station that I listened to before switching to the mix station that just recycles this crap six months later? blah.
I will also say that I'm not a person that goes looking and searching for the newest and best indie artists. I generally let good music come to me. No, I do not know the coolest new folk indie group from Brooklyn (is that even the spot these days? Cause I've lost track) BUT, I am finding refreshing tracks coming across the airwaves via....KGSR.
A few summer anthems this year:
Some Nights by Fun.
Honeypot by Bob Schniedypants.
Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer
And pretty much anything from the Black Keys
There's more, I just need them to come to me! I'll update this list later.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Conversations with Kai
This happened yesterday in the car.
Me: Kai, say, mama.
K: Dada.
Me: say, dada.
K: Dada.
Me: good job! Say, ball.
K: Dada.
Me: Kai, say, dog.
K: Dada.
Me: Awesome. I feed you 3/4 of the time, change your diapers 3/4 of the time, read to you, cuddle with you, teach you cool stuff, and talk about you most of the time I'm away from you, but you just keep talking about daddy. See where that gets you!
Me: Kai, say, mama.
K: Dada.
Me: say, dada.
K: Dada.
Me: good job! Say, ball.
K: Dada.
Me: Kai, say, dog.
K: Dada.
Me: Awesome. I feed you 3/4 of the time, change your diapers 3/4 of the time, read to you, cuddle with you, teach you cool stuff, and talk about you most of the time I'm away from you, but you just keep talking about daddy. See where that gets you!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
If you could be any age again for a week, which would you choose?
Easy. Seventeen. But I would know my husband and we would be BFGF. Except that he would be at his current temperament not his high school temperament. I've been told he was a little feisty. I loved high school. Life was so easy then, and I didn't have any responsibilities. Sure, I wasn't the mature and wise lady that I am now, but I saw some kids do cartwheels as they walked out of the local high school today, and I just thought I would really enjoy being there again.
Think about it,
Every time I did something stupid or weird, people just chalked it up to me being young!
I didn't have to make my own money.
I got to read books and study just because. (now I love school, then I didn't love it so much back then...so I would go back understanding that learning RULES. Wow, I'm a super nerd.)
I didn't care that I was pretty dorky. Except that I did quit band and join dance team (one would think this was to up my cool quotient), but that was really only so I could get attention from band guys. Can I get an amen?
I could drive...and by then, I had gotten my NEW CAR! I got a Mercury Cougar when I was a senior in high school. Before that, I did have an 88 Buick Century. Memory: When I got my new car, I drove it home by myself from the dealership AND...I rolled the windows down and blasted Independent Women Part II from Charlie's Angels on repeat. I thought I had MADE it. wow.
(Me choosing to be seventeen is also discounting that I have a son now, and I wouldn't trade that for anything...so I wouldn't really go back because being 29 is pretty great, but if I wasn't looking at the little face that I love so much...then seventeen is it.)
For now I will leave you with this...
Hey boys! (I'm on the left, my friend Sarah is on the right.)
Think about it,
Every time I did something stupid or weird, people just chalked it up to me being young!
I didn't have to make my own money.
I got to read books and study just because. (now I love school, then I didn't love it so much back then...so I would go back understanding that learning RULES. Wow, I'm a super nerd.)
I didn't care that I was pretty dorky. Except that I did quit band and join dance team (one would think this was to up my cool quotient), but that was really only so I could get attention from band guys. Can I get an amen?
(Me choosing to be seventeen is also discounting that I have a son now, and I wouldn't trade that for anything...so I wouldn't really go back because being 29 is pretty great, but if I wasn't looking at the little face that I love so much...then seventeen is it.)
For now I will leave you with this...
Hey boys! (I'm on the left, my friend Sarah is on the right.)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Bittersweet day.
Today is the day that tons of my friends sent their kiddos off to school and many of my friends are starting back to work as teachers and administrators. I have been nervous about this day for the past few weeks.
The bitter: I left my career in PR after just a few short years to go back to graduate school. It was a great decision because I knew that education was where I wanted to be, however, I never thought that I would struggle so much to find a job! After I was most of the way through the program I started looking for a job, in the mean time I had a great part-time job at a church, but needed full-time employment at a school. After 2 years of calls/campus drop-bys/ resumes/interviews/networking I finally found a position in November of 2010 in Irving. I loved that job so much (I got it through the stimulus money BTW...) However, I found out after the year was over that my teaching certificate didn't go "standard" after a partial year teaching. (It's complicated, but I'm still not a fully certified teacher!) So anyway, I got preggo and would have been laid off anyway, so I stepped down and we moved to Austin. I only got to teach for 7 months! And when I got back I have to explain my whole story about why I have taught for a year, but I'm still on a probationary cert. Boo.
The SWEET (and it is very sweet): I have my little man! He brightens my days everyday and is just the biggest light in my life. Being a mom has been so rewarding and I get to see the fruits of my labor every day when Kai smiles, laughs, stuffs his face with yogurt puffs, learns something, or gives me a sweet baby hug. I also get to spend quality time with my hubby. I know that I would be grading/creating after I get home from school, because teachers work so hard these days! So now when Scott comes home, we get to have family time and then even relax or do projects around the house after the little dude goes to bed. My being at home is a sweet time for our family.
Even though I'm taking some time to be home with and I get a little lonely or feel like I went to graduate school (at an expensive institution) for nothing... I try to remember that I have plenty of years to influence the brains of the youngsters of tomorrow in due time. I could potentially teach for 30 years after I go back into the workforce!! That is a lot of years! One step at a time. Right now my steps are with my little boy.
The bitter: I left my career in PR after just a few short years to go back to graduate school. It was a great decision because I knew that education was where I wanted to be, however, I never thought that I would struggle so much to find a job! After I was most of the way through the program I started looking for a job, in the mean time I had a great part-time job at a church, but needed full-time employment at a school. After 2 years of calls/campus drop-bys/ resumes/interviews/networking I finally found a position in November of 2010 in Irving. I loved that job so much (I got it through the stimulus money BTW...) However, I found out after the year was over that my teaching certificate didn't go "standard" after a partial year teaching. (It's complicated, but I'm still not a fully certified teacher!) So anyway, I got preggo and would have been laid off anyway, so I stepped down and we moved to Austin. I only got to teach for 7 months! And when I got back I have to explain my whole story about why I have taught for a year, but I'm still on a probationary cert. Boo.
The SWEET (and it is very sweet): I have my little man! He brightens my days everyday and is just the biggest light in my life. Being a mom has been so rewarding and I get to see the fruits of my labor every day when Kai smiles, laughs, stuffs his face with yogurt puffs, learns something, or gives me a sweet baby hug. I also get to spend quality time with my hubby. I know that I would be grading/creating after I get home from school, because teachers work so hard these days! So now when Scott comes home, we get to have family time and then even relax or do projects around the house after the little dude goes to bed. My being at home is a sweet time for our family.
Even though I'm taking some time to be home with and I get a little lonely or feel like I went to graduate school (at an expensive institution) for nothing... I try to remember that I have plenty of years to influence the brains of the youngsters of tomorrow in due time. I could potentially teach for 30 years after I go back into the workforce!! That is a lot of years! One step at a time. Right now my steps are with my little boy.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Can I get a what, what?
Um, found a heinous video we made at a TCU social thingy my junior year. My friends Becky, Erin, Jaime, Cecily and I lipsynched to some Spice Girls brilliance. Here are some stills I took with my phone. I love that Jaime still had her dreads in this video and she is also sporting some Mickey mouse gloves, I'm in the headdress, Cecily is Superman, Becks has the geetar, and Erin is in the orange wig)...yikes.
Had one of those crazy stay-at-home mom breakdowns yesterday. You know where you feel like you aren't doing enough of the following:
exercising (self and dog)
paying enough attention to husband
I was in full on ugly cry mode. It was awesome. I know I do pull my weight around here and when you actually figure up the numbers (I've seen those websites) stay at home moms should be paid a small fortune...much like teachers! The numbers really are crazy when you figure it up. However, if I give myself a little time off then things get out of whack quickly! Like, I'll pick up that mess tomorrow, do that load of laundry in the morning, or vacuum the whole house at one time.
That never happens, am I right or am I right?
Anyway, Scott came home and talked me through it. It's crazy how I can just lose track of reality and get overwhelmed sometimes. We took the weekend and got the house back in order. Scott did so much to help me get things done and I had to take Kai outside to swing so he could vacuum. Kai gets scared of the vacuum sounds and starts screaming crying. Poor big baby.
exercising (self and dog)
paying enough attention to husband
I was in full on ugly cry mode. It was awesome. I know I do pull my weight around here and when you actually figure up the numbers (I've seen those websites) stay at home moms should be paid a small fortune...much like teachers! The numbers really are crazy when you figure it up. However, if I give myself a little time off then things get out of whack quickly! Like, I'll pick up that mess tomorrow, do that load of laundry in the morning, or vacuum the whole house at one time.
That never happens, am I right or am I right?
Anyway, Scott came home and talked me through it. It's crazy how I can just lose track of reality and get overwhelmed sometimes. We took the weekend and got the house back in order. Scott did so much to help me get things done and I had to take Kai outside to swing so he could vacuum. Kai gets scared of the vacuum sounds and starts screaming crying. Poor big baby.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
I was listening to "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" yesterday and there were a few tidbits that I mentally wrote down in my brain to look up when I got home.
Sleep Walk With Me- It's a new movie that has been shown at many an independent movie festival this year and is in limited release, starting....tomorrow! I thought that I would come home and tell Scotter about it and he would say, "oh wow, Jane. You are so in the know. That movie sounds totally awesome and I would love to take you to Trulucks and then go see it at the independent theatre with all the old people." However, nope! "Oh yeah, I saw that preview," was all I got. After he responds in this sort of way in general, I just stand and stare at him until I get a more acceptable response. Sounds wife-like, eh?
Ah well. Maybe he'll read this and at least take me to Torchy's before we go. eh? Anyhoo...Mike Birbiglia (a comedian) wrote, directed and stars in this film that chronicles his life as a sleep walker/scared dude in a relationship. Once, he walked out a second story window...in his SLEEP! In the interview on WWDTM, he said he would sleep in a sleeping bag with mittens on so that he wouldn't open the bag in his sleep to let himself out. Awesome.
Blog. This was super exciting to me when I heard it, however, now that I have looked it up it is a little more "fresh" than I planned. There was this guy in 2010 who vowed to watch Julie and Julia everyday for 365 days, and DID IT! His language is pretty colorful and has some foul references, but overall I'd say it is a pretty great premise, and I'm interested in reading through a lot of it. I had to do a little work to start at the beginning, because of the ways blogs are displayed, so here is the link to the page where day one should start at the bottom. Enjoy.
Day one: The Lawrence/Julie&Julia project
Lastly, Happy birthday to Rupert Grint tomorrow!
Sleep Walk With Me- It's a new movie that has been shown at many an independent movie festival this year and is in limited release, starting....tomorrow! I thought that I would come home and tell Scotter about it and he would say, "oh wow, Jane. You are so in the know. That movie sounds totally awesome and I would love to take you to Trulucks and then go see it at the independent theatre with all the old people." However, nope! "Oh yeah, I saw that preview," was all I got. After he responds in this sort of way in general, I just stand and stare at him until I get a more acceptable response. Sounds wife-like, eh?
Ah well. Maybe he'll read this and at least take me to Torchy's before we go. eh? Anyhoo...Mike Birbiglia (a comedian) wrote, directed and stars in this film that chronicles his life as a sleep walker/scared dude in a relationship. Once, he walked out a second story window...in his SLEEP! In the interview on WWDTM, he said he would sleep in a sleeping bag with mittens on so that he wouldn't open the bag in his sleep to let himself out. Awesome.
Blog. This was super exciting to me when I heard it, however, now that I have looked it up it is a little more "fresh" than I planned. There was this guy in 2010 who vowed to watch Julie and Julia everyday for 365 days, and DID IT! His language is pretty colorful and has some foul references, but overall I'd say it is a pretty great premise, and I'm interested in reading through a lot of it. I had to do a little work to start at the beginning, because of the ways blogs are displayed, so here is the link to the page where day one should start at the bottom. Enjoy.
Day one: The Lawrence/Julie&Julia project
Lastly, Happy birthday to Rupert Grint tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Cecilia Fritts (an acrostic...)
![]() |
C is for....caring |
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E is for... effervescent... (hair) |
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C is for...conscientious. This is my most favorite picture of us ever. |
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I is for...independent |
L is for...light of my life |
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I is for...interesting dance moves |
A is for...amazing |
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F is for...flirty |
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R is for...rich in wisdom |
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I is for...intelligent |
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T is for...terrific cowgirl |
T is for...totally creative |
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S is for...stellar |
Lastly, Cecilia Fritts, it
P.S. please text me if you would like me to switch out a pic. I'm referencing the hair highlights pic ca. 2003? I would beg you to let me leave it.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Stuff You Should Know
I am obsessed.
I love love love the Stuff You Should Know podcast. This is not the first podcast I ever loved, I do have to admit, but I'm so glad I stumbled upon it! The hosts are Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant. These two guys take a topic and talk about it for 25-45 minutes. They get most of their information from articles written by their colleagues at the Discovery channel, or themselves.
I listen to these podcasts while I'm at home with my little dude during the day. It gets a little lonely being a stay at home mama, because you can't just tote your baby around all day and go from activity to activity (which is what I thought it would be like before I was a mom). First of all, babies sleep a LOT during the day or sometimes not...either way this keeps you stuck at home. If he's sleeping I'm home, if he's not sleeping or won't sleep he is probably very irritable and no one wants that in a public place...even Chick-Fil-A don't want that. Secondly, babies eat... a LOT. Right now I'm nursing 3 times a day and feeding Kai at least 3 times a day. And he eats slowly. It is nice to have people to listen to while I'm sitting feeding him, or while I'm letting him explore. Do I wish I could converse with Josh and Chuckers during these times? Most definitely. But I'll settle for them teaching me about the Cold War, sharks, narco states, ninja (which is plural...it's not ninjas.) etc, etc, etc.
This show is also great to listen to in the car! I had over an hour long commute last year, and while I listened to a lot of music, podcasts certainly kept me highly entertained. If you are a newbie, I would suggest starting with RadioLab. But make sure you get a nice long one (about an hour) those are the best and they do a lot to produce them and make them entertaining. SYSK is very funny and informative but is not quite as produced with music and effects.
Other podcasts I may blog about in the future...(Get excited!!)
Radio Lab
Dave Ramsey
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
This American Life
I love love love the Stuff You Should Know podcast. This is not the first podcast I ever loved, I do have to admit, but I'm so glad I stumbled upon it! The hosts are Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant. These two guys take a topic and talk about it for 25-45 minutes. They get most of their information from articles written by their colleagues at the Discovery channel, or themselves.
I listen to these podcasts while I'm at home with my little dude during the day. It gets a little lonely being a stay at home mama, because you can't just tote your baby around all day and go from activity to activity (which is what I thought it would be like before I was a mom). First of all, babies sleep a LOT during the day or sometimes not...either way this keeps you stuck at home. If he's sleeping I'm home, if he's not sleeping or won't sleep he is probably very irritable and no one wants that in a public place...even Chick-Fil-A don't want that. Secondly, babies eat... a LOT. Right now I'm nursing 3 times a day and feeding Kai at least 3 times a day. And he eats slowly. It is nice to have people to listen to while I'm sitting feeding him, or while I'm letting him explore. Do I wish I could converse with Josh and Chuckers during these times? Most definitely. But I'll settle for them teaching me about the Cold War, sharks, narco states, ninja (which is plural...it's not ninjas.) etc, etc, etc.
This show is also great to listen to in the car! I had over an hour long commute last year, and while I listened to a lot of music, podcasts certainly kept me highly entertained. If you are a newbie, I would suggest starting with RadioLab. But make sure you get a nice long one (about an hour) those are the best and they do a lot to produce them and make them entertaining. SYSK is very funny and informative but is not quite as produced with music and effects.
Other podcasts I may blog about in the future...(Get excited!!)
Radio Lab
Dave Ramsey
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
This American Life
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Gift basket fun
I have found a small creative outlet, besides reading books and writing this blog. I'm not a super artsy person...Even when I did ballet/dance I was always better at following choreography than I was at creating it. (Though I've never really tried to choreograph, it something I would like to do!)
Anyway, I have made a couple little gift baskets for friends and family... They are super fun to make! I'm sure most people could do it, but they look impressive and I always get a good eyebrow lift when I bring one to a party or give one to a friend. Here are my latest attempts!
This one was for my friend, Ali, at her baby shower a few months ago...She just had a baby boy!
I made one for my dear friend Cici (Maddy's mama) as well, but I forgot to take a pic! bummer. It was really cute. It had lots of things she needs to start a new school year. Since I didn't get to shop for school supplies for me, I had fun shopping for her and getting her snacks to keep in her room!
Lastly, I made this one for my brother. Beer is a really good base because you can then set a whole bunch of stuff inside to stick up and out. Plus, who doesn't love to drink something called Moose Drool? (*note that is the Wheel of Fortune Wii game, and Goonies in the background.)
I'm working on making better bows, my mom makes amazing bows, and I just can't ever seem to get mine quite right. I've looked up tutorials, and maybe I'm just not buying the right ribbon. I don't know.
If you ever want me to make a basket for YOU to give as a gift I would love to! It's super fun, and I really enjoy it.
Anyway, I have made a couple little gift baskets for friends and family... They are super fun to make! I'm sure most people could do it, but they look impressive and I always get a good eyebrow lift when I bring one to a party or give one to a friend. Here are my latest attempts!
This one didn't come out as great as the rest...it was for my Goddaughter, Maddy... She turned 4. There's a tutu down in the bottom that I should have fluffed up with tissue. I thought a bow inside would be cute, and it just didn't translate.
Lastly, I made this one for my brother. Beer is a really good base because you can then set a whole bunch of stuff inside to stick up and out. Plus, who doesn't love to drink something called Moose Drool? (*note that is the Wheel of Fortune Wii game, and Goonies in the background.)
I'm working on making better bows, my mom makes amazing bows, and I just can't ever seem to get mine quite right. I've looked up tutorials, and maybe I'm just not buying the right ribbon. I don't know.
If you ever want me to make a basket for YOU to give as a gift I would love to! It's super fun, and I really enjoy it.
Monday, August 13, 2012
acrawlin' and acreepin'
Hey Big Baby!
This weekend was a big one for you! You started to crawl, like really crawl, not just the push yourself around on your face kind of stuff you have been doing. You also started to pull yourself up on this new toy that I bought you! It's pretty cute. You aren't pulling up to your feet very often yet, but you are definitely up on your knees to try and push all the buttons on the little tabletop. All that being said, I am tired little man! You are stressing me out more and I find myself running quickly so you don't pull something down on top of you, or eat a piece of grass/dirt/fur etc. that I didn't catch when I was cleaning last.
Also, you have been on a nap protest. Mommy really doesn't like that. Usually you will scream for a few minutes and then drift off to dream land, but you are really testing my ability to leave you alone and let you try and fall asleep. I think it's your teeth and it makes me sad to think that you are hurting. I'll get past it, but I just feel bad for you, little one!
you're the best big baby in the world,
This weekend was a big one for you! You started to crawl, like really crawl, not just the push yourself around on your face kind of stuff you have been doing. You also started to pull yourself up on this new toy that I bought you! It's pretty cute. You aren't pulling up to your feet very often yet, but you are definitely up on your knees to try and push all the buttons on the little tabletop. All that being said, I am tired little man! You are stressing me out more and I find myself running quickly so you don't pull something down on top of you, or eat a piece of grass/dirt/fur etc. that I didn't catch when I was cleaning last.
Also, you have been on a nap protest. Mommy really doesn't like that. Usually you will scream for a few minutes and then drift off to dream land, but you are really testing my ability to leave you alone and let you try and fall asleep. I think it's your teeth and it makes me sad to think that you are hurting. I'll get past it, but I just feel bad for you, little one!
you're the best big baby in the world,
Friday, August 10, 2012
A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet...
Thought I would document Kai's nicknames at this point for posterity's sake...
Big Baby (used the most)
Big Cat (b/c he roars)
Kai Kai
Chunker Monker
Mini Scott
Godzilla Baby
Scott, Can you think of any others that we need to remember?
Big Baby (used the most)
Big Cat (b/c he roars)
Kai Kai
Chunker Monker
Mini Scott
Godzilla Baby
Scott, Can you think of any others that we need to remember?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Movie night: Pride and Prejudice!
Scotter is out tonight at frisbee so I'm home with a baby monitor buzzing white noise at me...
I took the evening to watch Pride and Prejudice, the version with Keira Knightly. I will start by saying that I love her! She just has such a unique look about her and I feel like she can really say a lot with her expressions. And let me tell you, the actor that played Mr. Darcy, James McFayden, is a serious John Cusack lookalike, but younger and maybe a little more sincere. (I think that is how I would put it.) They kept showing his blue eyes, so while he has this dark complexion like Cusack, his eyes make him look a little less intense.
I was worried this version wasn't going to live up to my expectations, but it did! Now I need to watch the version with Colin Firth. All the stills I have seen make him look so young, I can't wait to see it. Mr. Darcy is just so dreamy in general. I'm not going to lie... there is something great about a serious man.
There was a scene at the end of this movie that I did find interesting. I wanted to hate it because it wasn't in the book, but it was so disarming and sweet, I found myself smiling. (I'm trying the thing where I put the font in white, so that to read it you have to highlight it, I've gotten in trouble for ruining things for people so I'm doing what I can, people!) SPOILER: They had the main characters sitting together talking about what nicknames Mr. Darcy could call Elizabeth, and he said that he would call her Mrs. Darcy when he was "cross" with her. She said no, that he could only call her Mrs. Darcy when he was the most happy. So he proceeded to say "Mrs. Darcy," and kiss her ear, "Mrs. Darcy," and kiss her forehead...etc. *sigh* it was very sweet.
Lastly, Have you ever watched a movie all the way through and then spontaneously decided to watch all of the director commentary cut right afterward? I watched about the first 45 minutes and then got so self-conscious about it! I should have just finished it. If anyone has done this and cares to comment please let me know what movie would be good/interesting enough to watch the commentary. (I have done that for TV shows before.)
I took the evening to watch Pride and Prejudice, the version with Keira Knightly. I will start by saying that I love her! She just has such a unique look about her and I feel like she can really say a lot with her expressions. And let me tell you, the actor that played Mr. Darcy, James McFayden, is a serious John Cusack lookalike, but younger and maybe a little more sincere. (I think that is how I would put it.) They kept showing his blue eyes, so while he has this dark complexion like Cusack, his eyes make him look a little less intense.
I was worried this version wasn't going to live up to my expectations, but it did! Now I need to watch the version with Colin Firth. All the stills I have seen make him look so young, I can't wait to see it. Mr. Darcy is just so dreamy in general. I'm not going to lie... there is something great about a serious man.
There was a scene at the end of this movie that I did find interesting. I wanted to hate it because it wasn't in the book, but it was so disarming and sweet, I found myself smiling. (I'm trying the thing where I put the font in white, so that to read it you have to highlight it, I've gotten in trouble for ruining things for people so I'm doing what I can, people!) SPOILER: They had the main characters sitting together talking about what nicknames Mr. Darcy could call Elizabeth, and he said that he would call her Mrs. Darcy when he was "cross" with her. She said no, that he could only call her Mrs. Darcy when he was the most happy. So he proceeded to say "Mrs. Darcy," and kiss her ear, "Mrs. Darcy," and kiss her forehead...etc. *sigh* it was very sweet.
Lastly, Have you ever watched a movie all the way through and then spontaneously decided to watch all of the director commentary cut right afterward? I watched about the first 45 minutes and then got so self-conscious about it! I should have just finished it. If anyone has done this and cares to comment please let me know what movie would be good/interesting enough to watch the commentary. (I have done that for TV shows before.)
Workin' on Walkin'
Monday, August 6, 2012
What Olympic sport do you think is the most beautiful to watch?
I'm going to split this into the two seasons of the Olympics...
Summer: I love to watch the women's uneven bars. I think that it's so crazy to see them flip and fly around those bars. It is scary because this can happen.
I saw this on one of the specials about Kerri Strug during the olympics coverage the other night..
I BARELY remember the magnificent seven even though I was 13 at the time! It seems like I should remember that better. I do know I watched them compete, but maybe I was just too concerned with who liked who in middle school band at the time. Yikes. I will also say that I have seriously enjoyed watching Michael Phelps win and win and win. But, as for the most beautiful sport I think gymnastics definitely has that won.
Winter: I used to love me some figure skating. Yamaguchi, Kwan, Witt, Kerrigan... I haven't watched as much in the past few olympics as you can tell by all my dated name references. So I need a new sport to pick, hmmmmmmmmmm...speed skating is kind of cool.
I like the summer sports better.
Summer: I love to watch the women's uneven bars. I think that it's so crazy to see them flip and fly around those bars. It is scary because this can happen.
I BARELY remember the magnificent seven even though I was 13 at the time! It seems like I should remember that better. I do know I watched them compete, but maybe I was just too concerned with who liked who in middle school band at the time. Yikes. I will also say that I have seriously enjoyed watching Michael Phelps win and win and win. But, as for the most beautiful sport I think gymnastics definitely has that won.
Winter: I used to love me some figure skating. Yamaguchi, Kwan, Witt, Kerrigan... I haven't watched as much in the past few olympics as you can tell by all my dated name references. So I need a new sport to pick, hmmmmmmmmmm...speed skating is kind of cool.
I like the summer sports better.
Friday, August 3, 2012
I love my BFF!
She posted this about me for my 29th birthday, and I cried a little.
Go read it. And then follow her awesome bloggy blog.
Go read it. And then follow her awesome bloggy blog.
Describe (in words or photos) your favorite reading space.
No photo for this post, because I love to read in our closet! I don't really want you all to see our mess of clothes and shoes in there.
We moved into the most amazing house this year, and the master closet is super spacious. I found out the other day that sitting on the floor in there is the perfect spot to read. I am situated nicely under the windows so I get good natural sunlight, I nurse my baby in there sometimes after his bath, so our extra boppy pillow is in there (also good for an impromptu nap on the floor, which is how the mister found me the other day...drooling, I might add....) and there is nothing to distract me really! I find when I sit down to read downstairs I see the laundry or the dishes close by and get off track. If I'm secluded upstairs I don't see the things I need to do as much and will actually enjoy my good quiet reading time. Everything gets a little neglected, but when you are reading a book like Pride and Prejudice, it's worth it! Am I right, or am I right?
We moved into the most amazing house this year, and the master closet is super spacious. I found out the other day that sitting on the floor in there is the perfect spot to read. I am situated nicely under the windows so I get good natural sunlight, I nurse my baby in there sometimes after his bath, so our extra boppy pillow is in there (also good for an impromptu nap on the floor, which is how the mister found me the other day...drooling, I might add....) and there is nothing to distract me really! I find when I sit down to read downstairs I see the laundry or the dishes close by and get off track. If I'm secluded upstairs I don't see the things I need to do as much and will actually enjoy my good quiet reading time. Everything gets a little neglected, but when you are reading a book like Pride and Prejudice, it's worth it! Am I right, or am I right?
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