
Friday, July 27, 2012

Day Twenty-eight: My Favorite Movie

I always come back to You've Got Mail. 

I know, I's one of those cliche rom-coms, where the guy goes the whole movie without knowing he's really in love with the main character.  She also just doesn't know how charming she is, and then when the dude finally figures it out he goes chasing after least they don't make out in the rain I guess.  You know the other thing I think is funny about rom-coms?  It's so weird that it all builds up to a make out scene.  Does anyone want to watch me and Scott make out? And then go, "awwwwwww" they are just the cutest!!!"  I really doubt it.

What I do like about this movie, is much like what I enjoy about the Gilmore Girls.  I'll be out and about and hear a reference to something and it triggers a line in my head from the dialogue.  Whether it be about Generalissimo Franco, going to the mattresses, or the crazy long Starbucks order...I get a little giggle when these things come to mind.

interesting tidbit: This was adapted from a film called, The Shop Around the Corner, which was adapted from a play. 

interesting tidbit #2: I confess, I thought it was General Issimo Franco....Had to look that one up!

Other favorites that are very close are the last three Harry Potter movies.  I can generally watch one of those any time.

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